marker_array ROS node

The Marker Array ROS node reads location information from the ROS parameter server. It then sets up the matching sphere and text markers and publishes these on the ‘visualization_marker_array’ topic.

Publish / subscribe information
Publishes to / Subscribes to Topic name Msg Type
Publishes to /visualization_marker_array MarkerArray
Subscribes to none none

marker_array module

The Marker Array ROS node retrieves a location dictionary from the ROS parameter server (“/locations”). It takes in these locations and populates a list with Sphere and Text Markers which it publishes on the ‘/visualization_marker_array’ topic.

marker_array.create_sphere_marker(name, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, id)[source]

Function which creates a semi-transparent purple sphere Marker. Takes in a name, coordinates and ID. Returns a Marker object which can then be appended to the marker array and published to Rviz.

marker_array.create_text_marker(name, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, id)[source]

Function which creates a white text Marker. Takes in a name, coordinates and ID. Returns a Marker object which can then be appended to the marker array and published to Rviz.