mex_sentinel ROS node

The MEx Sentinel is a ROS node that holds the latest information about Mobile Executors (MExs). It hosts services for retrieving and editing the MEx information:

  • get_mex_list
  • assign_job_to_mex
  • unassign_job_from_mex
  • get_mex_status
  • change_mex_status

Note: In its current state the MEx information is only stored in memory and no data is logged. It is however envisioned that the MEx Sentinel will interact with (reads/writes from/to) a database for maintaining long term records (i.e. acts as front end to a database server like SQLite or MySQL).

mex_sentinel module

The MEx Sentinel ROS node keeps track of all information about the Mobile Executors (MExs). It provides services for retrieving and editing the MEx information. More information on each (callback) function can be found below.


AssignJob service callback function. Takes in a MEx ID and Job ID and assigns the Job to the MEx, updating it’s information. Returns a flag if the call was handled succesfully.


ChangeMexStatus service callback function. Takes in a MEx ID and status. Updates status of the MobileExecutor in the MEx list matching the provided ID. Returns a response with a flag if the call was handled succesfully.


GetMexList service callback function. Takes in a empty request. Returns a GetMexListResponse response with a list of MexInfo objects for each MExs and a flag if the call was handled succesfully.


GetMexStatus service callback function. Takes in a MEx ID. Returns a response with the MEx status and Job ID, and a flag if the call was handled succesfully.


MexListInfo publish function. Sets up a published on the local /mex_list_info topic, publishing information on all MobileExecutors in the MEx list at a rate of 1 Hz.


Function which is called once to initialize MobileExecutors and add them the MEx list based on the ROS parameter server.


UnassignJob service callback function. Takes in a MEx ID and Job ID and unassigns the Job from the MEx, updating it’s information. Returns a flag if the call was handled succesfully.