#!/usr/bin/env python
The Marker Array ROS node retrieves a location dictionary from the ROS parameter server ("/locations").
It takes in these locations and populates a list with Sphere and Text Markers which it publishes on the '/visualization_marker_array' topic.
import rospy
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker, MarkerArray
from JobManager.Location import Location, make_location_dict
# NOTE: Launch the script and then open RViz, add "MarkerArray" view, choose the right topic.
# Each location displays as two markers: a semi-transparent purple sphere and white text label.
# Each marker is created by a corresponding function
[docs]def create_sphere_marker(name, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, id):
Function which creates a semi-transparent purple sphere Marker.
Takes in a name, coordinates and ID.
Returns a Marker object which can then be appended
to the marker array and published to Rviz.
sphere_name = name + '_sphere'
sphere_name = Marker()
sphere_name.header.frame_id = "/map"
sphere_name.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
sphere_name.id = id
sphere_name.type = Marker.SPHERE
sphere_name.action = Marker.ADD
sphere_name.pose.position.x = x_coordinate
sphere_name.pose.position.y = y_coordinate
sphere_name.pose.position.z = 0
sphere_name.pose.orientation.x = 0
sphere_name.pose.orientation.y = 0
sphere_name.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
sphere_name.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
sphere_name.scale.x = 0.5
sphere_name.scale.y = 0.5
sphere_name.scale.z = 0.5
sphere_name.color.r = 1.0
sphere_name.color.g = 0.0
sphere_name.color.b = 1.0
# This has to be, otherwise it will be transparent
sphere_name.color.a = 0.5
# If we want it forever, 0, otherwise seconds before desapearing
sphere_name.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0)
return sphere_name
[docs]def create_text_marker(name, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, id):
Function which creates a white text Marker.
Takes in a name, coordinates and ID.
Returns a Marker object which can then be appended
to the marker array and published to Rviz.
text_name = name + '_text'
text_name = Marker()
text_name.header.frame_id = "/map"
text_name.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
text_name.id = id
text_name.type = Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING
text_name.action = Marker.ADD
text_name.pose.position.x = x_coordinate
text_name.pose.position.y = y_coordinate
text_name.pose.position.z = 1
text_name.pose.orientation.x = 0
text_name.pose.orientation.y = 0
text_name.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
text_name.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
text_name.scale.z = 1
text_name.color.r = 1.0
text_name.color.g = 1.0
text_name.color.b = 1.0
text_name.color.a = 1.0
text_name.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0)
text_name.text = name
return text_name
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialise node here in order to have rospy.get_rostime() later
rospy.init_node('marker_publisher_node', anonymous=True)
# Creating MarkerArray object which the Marker objects can be appended to.
marker_array = MarkerArray()
# Load the locations from the rosparam server and build a location dictionary.
location_dict = make_location_dict()
# Go through all the locations, add both sphere and text Markers for each, append to MarkerArray.
for key in location_dict:
index = key
marker_object = create_sphere_marker(location_dict[index].name, location_dict[index].x, location_dict[index].y, int(location_dict[index].id[3:]))
text_object = create_text_marker(location_dict[index].name, location_dict[index].x, location_dict[index].y, int(location_dict[index].id[3:])+100)
# Set up the MarkeyArray publisher, publish to marker topic which Rviz is subscribed to.
publisher = rospy.Publisher('/visualization_marker_array', MarkerArray, queue_size=1)
# Set publication rate to once every second (1 Hz)
rate = rospy.Rate(1)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
# Loop indefenitely until shutdown, publishing at the specified rate.
except rospy.ROSInterruptException: