#! /usr/bin/env python
#import json # Used for reading JSON files (loading jobs to JobQueue)
#import os # Used to get base filename and file and directory handling
Job Manager:
The Job Manager ROS Node acts as the order processor and manager of (active and pending) Jobs.
It takes in Orders from the Fleet Manager Front (GUI) and appends these on an order list.
It processes orders into Jobs with Tasks and a priority value,
starting with CRITICAL followed by HIGH, MEDIUM and finally LOW.
Jobs with equal priority are sorted based on First In First Out.
It queries the MEx Sentinel for available Mobile Executors (MEx) and allocates and refines Jobs.
Active Jobs keep track of their own progress and trigger callbacks upon finalisation.
Note: See also the documentation below for a more detailed description.
import rospy
#import actionlib
#from JobManager.Tasks import TaskStatus, TaskType, RobotMoveBase, AwaitingLoadCompletion
from JobManager.Job import JobStatus, Job, JobPriority
from JobManager.Location import Location, make_location_dict
from JobManager.JobBuilder import job_builder
from JobManager.JobActivation import job_allocator, job_refiner
from JobManager.MobileExecutor import MExStatus, MobileExecutor
from JobManager.Order import *
from JobManager.JobServiceMethods import call_get_mex_list, call_unassign_job
from rooster_fleet_manager.srv import PlaceOrder, PlaceOrderResponse, GetPendingJobs, GetPendingJobsResponse, \
GetActiveJobs, GetActiveJobsResponse, GetJobInfo, GetJobInfoResponse, \
GetMexList, GetMexListResponse, GetMexListRequest, AssignJobToMex, AssignJobToMexRequest
from rooster_fleet_manager.msg import PendingJob, ActiveJob, JobInfo, TaskInfo
NODE_NAME = "[job_manager] "
#region Service callback definitions
# - PlaceOrder service callback -
[docs]def order_service_cb(request):
PlaceOrder service callback function.
Takes in a PlaceOrderRequest request with a order keyword, priority and arguments.
Processes these and adds the processed order in list form to the order_list.
Returns a PlaceOrderResponse response with information on if the call failed and why.
print(NODE_NAME + "Order service has been called with: " + str(request))
# print(NODE_NAME + "Arguments: ", request.order_args, "List size: ", len(request.order_args) )
order_response = PlaceOrderResponse()
if request.keyword == OrderKeyword.TRANSPORT.name: # Keyword: TRANSPORT.
# Expecting: transport, priority, [from_location, to_location]
if len(request.order_args) == OrderTypeArgCount.TRANSPORT.value:
priority = JobPriority[request.priority].value # Check if it's >= 1 and <= 4.
from_loc = request.order_args[0] # Check if it's in the known locations dictionary
to_loc = request.order_args[1] # Check if it's in the known locations dictionary
if (priority >= 1 and priority <= 4) and (from_loc in location_dict) and (to_loc in location_dict):
# Succesful check on keyword and arguments, add order to order_list.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.SUCCES.name
order_response.error_report = ""
order_list.append([request.keyword, JobPriority(priority), from_loc, to_loc])
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply erorr report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = \
"[TRANSPORT] Invalid priority (" + str(not (priority >= 1 and priority <= 4)) + \
") or location argument (" + \
str(not ((from_loc in location_dict) and (to_loc in location_dict))) + \
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply erorr report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = "[TRANSPORT] Invalid number of arguments, expected " + \
str(OrderTypeArgCount.TRANSPORT.value) + \
", received " + str(len(request.order_args))
elif request.keyword == OrderKeyword.MOVE.name: # Keyword: MOVE.
# Expecting: move, priority, [to_location]
if len(request.order_args) == OrderTypeArgCount.MOVE.value:
priority = JobPriority[request.priority].value # Check if it's >= 1 and <= 4.
to_loc = request.order_args[0] # Check if it's in the known locations dictionary
if (priority >= 1 and priority <= 4) and (to_loc in location_dict):
# Succesful check on keyword and arguments, add order to order_list.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.SUCCES.name
order_response.error_report = ""
order_list.append([request.keyword, JobPriority(priority), to_loc])
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply error report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = "[MOVE] Invalid priority (" + \
str(not (priority >= 1 and priority <= 4)) + \
") or location argument (" + \
str(not (to_loc in location_dict) ) + ")."
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply erorr report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = "[MOVE] Invalid number of arguments, expected " + \
str(OrderTypeArgCount.MOVE.value) + \
", received " + str(len(request.order_args))
elif request.keyword == OrderKeyword.LOAD.name: # Keyword: LOAD
# Expecting: load, priority, []
if len(request.order_args) == OrderTypeArgCount.LOAD.value:
priority = JobPriority[request.priority].value # Check if it's >= 1 and <= 4.
if (priority >= 1 and priority <= 4):
# Succesful check on keyword and arguments, add order to order_list.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.SUCCES.name
order_response.error_report = ""
order_list.append([request.keyword, JobPriority(priority)])
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply error report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = "[LOAD] Invalid priority."
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply error report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = "[LOAD] Invalid number of arguments, expected " + \
str(OrderTypeArgCount.LOAD.value) + \
", received " + str(len(request.order_args))
elif request.keyword == OrderKeyword.UNLOAD.name: # Keyword: UNLOAD
# Expecting: load, priority, []
if len(request.order_args) == OrderTypeArgCount.UNLOAD.value:
priority = JobPriority[request.priority].value # Check if it's >= 1 and <= 4.
if (priority >= 1 and priority <= 4):
# Succesful check on keyword and arguments, add order to order_list.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.SUCCES.name
order_response.error_report = ""
order_list.append([request.keyword, JobPriority(priority)])
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply error report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = "[LOAD] Invalid priority."
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply error report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = "[LOAD] Invalid number of arguments, expected " + \
str(OrderTypeArgCount.UNLOAD.value) + \
", received " + str(len(request.order_args))
# Error occured, set status to ERROR and supply erorr report.
order_response.error_status = OrderResponseStatus.ERROR.name
order_response.error_report = "Invalid keyword." # Could not interpret order keyword.
# print(NODE_NAME + "Order service is done, current order_list: " + str(order_list))
return order_response # the service Response class, in this case PlaceOrderResponse
# - GetPendingJobs service callback -
[docs]def get_pending_jobs_service_cb(request):
GetPendingJobs service callback function.
Takes in a empty request.
Returns a response with a list of all Pending Jobs and some basic information.
# print(NODE_NAME + "A service request for the Pending Jobs List has been received.")
pending_jobs_response = GetPendingJobsResponse()
pending_jobs_response.jobs_count = len(pending_job_list)
for job in pending_job_list:
pending_job = PendingJob()
pending_job.priority = job.priority.name
pending_job.job_id = job.id
pending_job.task_count = job.task_count
pending_job.keyword = job.keyword
return pending_jobs_response
# - GetActiveJobs service callback -
[docs]def get_active_jobs_service_cb(request):
GetActiveJobs service callback function.
Takes in a empty request.
Returns a response with a list of all Active Jobs and all basic information.
# print(NODE_NAME + "A service request for the Active Jobs List has been received.")
active_jobs_response = GetActiveJobsResponse()
active_jobs_response.jobs_count = len(active_job_list)
for job in active_job_list:
active_job = ActiveJob()
active_job.job_id = job.id
active_job.status = job.status.name
active_job.priority = job.priority.name
active_job.mex_id = job.mex_id
active_job.task_count = job.task_count
active_job.current_task = job.task_current
active_job.keyword = job.keyword
return active_jobs_response
# - GetJobInfo service callback -
[docs]def get_job_info_service_cb(request):
GetJobInfo service callback function.
Takes in a request with a Job ID.
Returns a response with all information on the Job
matching the call ID, including a list of the Job's Tasks.
job_id_to_find = request.job_id
print(NODE_NAME + "A service request for the Get Job Info has been received for " + job_id_to_find + ".")
job_info_response = GetJobInfoResponse()
found_job = None
for job in pending_job_list:
if job.id == job_id_to_find:
found_job = job
for job in active_job_list:
if job.id == job_id_to_find:
found_job = job
job_info_response.error_status = "ERROR" # TODO Replace with error messages enum.
job_info_response.error_report = "Could not find " + job_id_to_find + " in pending or active job lists."
if found_job != None:
job_information = JobInfo()
job_information.job_id = found_job.id
job_information.status = found_job.status.name
job_information.priority = found_job.priority.name
job_information.mex_id = found_job.mex_id if not found_job.mex_id == None else ""
job_information.task_count = found_job.task_count
job_information.current_task = found_job.task_current if not found_job.task_current == None else 0
job_information.keyword = found_job.keyword
for task in found_job.task_list:
task_info = TaskInfo()
task_info.status = task.status.name
task_info.type = task.type.name
job_info_response.job_info = job_information
job_info_response.error_status = "SUCCES"
return job_info_response
#region Timer callback definitons
# - Order list timer callback -
[docs]def order_list_timer_cb(event):
""" Order list timer callback function. Calls process_order_list function. """
#print(NODE_NAME + "Order list timer callback, processing order_list and building rough jobs.")
# - Job allocator timer callback -
[docs]def job_allocator_timer_cb(event):
""" Job allocator timer callback function. Calls job allocator function. """
if job_allocator(pending_jobs_list=pending_job_list, active_jobs_list=active_job_list, mexs_list=mex_list) != 0:
# rospy.loginfo("Failed to allocate job.")
#region Job completion callback definition
[docs]def job_completion_cb(job_id, mex_id):
Job completion callback function, gets called when a
Jobs is finished (succesful, cancel, error or abort).
It is attached to a Job in the job_builder function.
print(NODE_NAME + "Job called the job_completion_cb function: " + str(job_id) + ", " + str(mex_id))
# First send update to MEx Sentinel to unassign job.
# Then call MEx Sentinel to provide latest MEx List.
mex_list = call_get_mex_list()
# Remove completed Job from the active_job_list.
index_to_pop = None
for index, job in enumerate(active_job_list):
if job.id == job_id:
index_to_pop = index
# Couldn't find job_id in active_job_list... Handle this?
if not index_to_pop == None:
[docs]def process_order_list():
Build jobs from all orders in the order_list by calling
the job_builder function, then clear the order_list.
global job_index
for order in order_list:
job_index = job_builder(pending_jobs_list=pending_job_list, order=order, job_index=job_index, location_dict=location_dict, completion_cb=job_completion_cb)
del order_list[:]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Retrieve robots and set up a list of available MobileExecutor (MEx) instances
mex_list = call_get_mex_list()
# for robot in robot_namespaces:
# mex_list.append(MobileExecutor(robot))
for mex in mex_list:
print(NODE_NAME + str( (mex.id, mex.status, mex.job_id) ) )
# Lists for Orders, PendingJobs, ActiveJobs:
order_list = []
pending_job_list = []
active_job_list = []
job_index = 1
# Testing the adding of multiple Location class instances, storing them in a dictionary.
# TODO Replace this with a dynamic(?) dictionary which is constructed from the MEx Sentinel.
location_dict = make_location_dict()
# Initialize the node.
# Initialize services.
order_service = rospy.Service('~place_order', PlaceOrder , order_service_cb)
get_pending_jobs_service = rospy.Service('~get_pending_jobs', GetPendingJobs, get_pending_jobs_service_cb)
get_active_jobs_service = rospy.Service('~get_active_jobs', GetActiveJobs, get_active_jobs_service_cb)
get_job_info_service = rospy.Service('~get_job_info', GetJobInfo, get_job_info_service_cb)
# Initialize timers for the JobBuilder, and JobAllocator.
rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), order_list_timer_cb) # Every second check order list to try build rough jobs.
rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(5), job_allocator_timer_cb) # Call the job_allocator in 5 seconds to try allocating jobs.
# The above job_allocator timer should be replaced with something more elegant...
# Keep node running.
except rospy.ROSInterruptException: