#! /usr/bin/env python
The Fleet Manager Front ROS node provides the GUI to the user. It allows for adding orders to an order list which can be send to the Job Manager via a service call (place_order).
It also provides information on the current Jobs (Pending and Active) and Mobile Executors.
import json # Used for reading JSON files (loading jobs to JobQueue)
import os # Used to get base filename and file and directory handling
import sys
import rospy
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from rooster_fleet_manager.srv import PlaceOrder, PlaceOrderRequest, GetPendingJobs, GetPendingJobsRequest, GetActiveJobs, GetActiveJobsRequest
from rooster_fleet_manager.msg import MexListInfo
from ui import fleet_manager_ui
from JobManager.Order import *
from JobManager.Job import JobStatus, Job, JobPriority
#region ################################### TO DO LIST #####################################
# DONE 1. Perform simple call /job_manager/place_order service.
# DONE 2. Load list of orders from JSON.
# DONE 3. Call /job_manager/place_order(s?) service with the list of orders.
# DONE 4. Add visually correct but non-functional GUI to node.
# DONE 5. Replace JSON order list call and instead visualize it in the Order tab.
# DONE 6. Connect MEx Sentinel to Mobile Executors treeWidget view.
# DONE 7. Check if the order is viable before adding to order list, notify user if not.
# DONE 8. Remove orders from Order list if they were placed succesfully.
# DONE 9. Put in Placeholder text in the arguments field based on the order keyword.
# DONE 10. Connect Job Manager to the Jobs treeWidget view.
# DONE 11. Add the deletion of individual orders from the order list.
# DONE 12. Replace placeholders in the FILE ACTION MENU.
# DONE 13. Add logo in same style as GUI launcher.
# DONE 14. Automatically sort the Jobs list when new jobs have been added.
# DONE 15. Add KEYWORD to Job.
# DONE 16. Fix issue where Job list does not update when <= 1 Jobs after Job completions.
#endregion #################################################################################
VERSION = "1.0"
NODE_NAME = "[fleet_manager_front] "
#region ### PyQt GUI ###
[docs]class GuiMainWindow(fleet_manager_ui.Ui_MainWindow, QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
Initialise the ui widgets, items and varibles.
Connect up all UI interactions to their methods.
super(GuiMainWindow, self).__init__()
self.setWindowTitle(APPLICATION_TITLE) #self.filename + " - " +
# Set up gui
#region ORDERS TAB
# TreeWidget context menu
self.treeMenu = QtGui.QMenu('Menu', self)
deleteItem = QtGui.QAction("&Delete", self)
deleteItem.setStatusTip("Delete item from Order list")
deleteIcon = QtGui.QIcon()
[docs] def open_context_menu(self):
""" Opens the Right-Mouse-Button context menu, showing an option to delete the order tree item. """
[docs] def delete_orders_tree_item(self, item):
""" Deletes the currently selected item from the orders treeWidget. """
index = self.treeWidgetOrders.currentIndex()
[docs] def update_order_arguments_placeholder_text(self):
Updates the light gray placeholder text of the Order arguments lineEdit
input field to match with the new keyword.
keyword = str(self.comboBoxKeyword.currentText())
if keyword == OrderKeyword.LOAD.name or keyword == OrderKeyword.UNLOAD.name:
self.lineEditArguments.setPlaceholderText("No Arguments!")
elif keyword == OrderKeyword.MOVE.name:
elif keyword == OrderKeyword.TRANSPORT.name:
self.lineEditArguments.setPlaceholderText("location1 location2")
[docs] def place_order_list(self):
""" Place multiple orders from the Order tab Order list to the Job Manager. """
# The order of the orders matter, so don't just loop over the dictionary, but check size and loop over order id's
self.order_list = [] # Empty order list
indices_to_remove = [] # Empty list for treeWidgetOrders indices.
# Iterate over all the existing (top level) items (a.k.a. orders) in the treeWidgetOrders and add as order.
root = self.treeWidgetOrders.invisibleRootItem()
child_count = root.childCount()
for i in range(child_count):
item = root.child(i)
order_keyword = str(item.text(0))
order_priority = str(item.text(1))
order_arguments = str(item.text(2)).split()
order = [order_keyword, order_priority, order_arguments, i]
# If there are orders to be placed, call the job_manager's place_order service.
if len(self.order_list) != 0:
place_order = rospy.ServiceProxy('/job_manager/place_order', PlaceOrder)
req = PlaceOrderRequest()
for order in self.order_list:
req.keyword = order[0]
req.priority = order[1]
req.order_args = order[2]
resp = place_order(req)
print(NODE_NAME + "Response: ", resp)
if resp.error_status == OrderResponseStatus.SUCCES.name:
# The placement of this order was succesful, remove from Order list
except rospy.ServiceException as e:
print(NODE_NAME + "Service call failed: %s"%e)
if len(indices_to_remove) != 0:
# Sort the indices list in descending order (from highest index to lowest index).
# Iterate over the sorted list, removing items from the treeWidgetOrders
for index in indices_to_remove:
if len(indices_to_remove) != len(self.order_list):
# Show a notification box alerting the user not all orders were placed succesfully.
QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Not all orders could be placed succefully!", "Out of the " + str(len(self.order_list)) + " orders, " + str(len(self.order_list) - len(indices_to_remove)) + " could not be placed succesfully. These orders have been kept in the order list, succesful orders have been removed.")
# Show a notification informing the user that all orders were placed succesfully.
QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "All orders placed succesfully!", "All " + str(len(self.order_list)) + " order(s) have been placed succesfully and have been removed from the order list.")
[docs] def clear_order_list(self):
"""Clears the Order tab order list."""
root = self.treeWidgetOrders.invisibleRootItem()
child_count = root.childCount()
if child_count > 0:
[docs] def add_order(self):
Add a order to the Order List based on the Order tab input field values.
Before adding, a check is performaned to make sure the supplied fields are set correctly.
If this is not the case the user is notified with a MessageBox.
order_keyword = self.comboBoxKeyword.currentText()
order_priority = self.comboBoxPriority.currentText()
order_arguments = self.lineEditArguments.text()
# Check if the number of supplied arguments
supplied_args = len(str(order_arguments).split())
expected_args = OrderTypeArgCount[str(order_keyword)].value
if supplied_args == expected_args:
# Add the order to the order list.
order_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([order_keyword, order_priority, order_arguments])
# Show a notification informing the user that the order is incorrect.
QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Incorrect number of order arguments!", "Incorrect number of arguments. Supplied " + str(supplied_args) + " argument(s) (" + order_arguments + "). Expected " + str(expected_args) + " argument(s).")
[docs] def close_application(self):
"""Prompts the user if they are sure they which to quit the application before quitting."""
choice = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self,
'Quit application?',
"Are you sure you want to quit? Any unsaved changed will be lost!",
QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
if choice == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
print(NODE_NAME + "Closing Fleet Manager node...")
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event):
"""Takes control of the close event, making sure the user cannot close the application before prompting them."""
[docs] def about(self):
"""Display a MessageBox with the application title, version number and general information."""
text = "<center>" \
"<h2>"+APPLICATION_TITLE+"</h2>" \
"</center>" \
"The ROS package rooster_fleet_manager is created by the Human " \
"Robot Co-production research group at the Industrial Design " \
"Engineering faculty of the Delft University of Technology." \
"<p>Version: "+VERSION+"<br/>" \
"License: Apache License version 2.0</p>"
QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, "About - " + APPLICATION_TITLE + ".", text)
#endregion ### PyQt GUI ###
[docs]def load_orders_from_JSON(filepath):
""" Function; Add one or multiple orders from a JSON file. """
# Load JSON file into dictionary
loaddata_dict = None
with open(filepath) as json_loadfile:
loaddata_dict = json.load(json_loadfile)
# Add orders from loaded JSON dictionary to the Order tab Order list.
for order_id in range(len(loaddata_dict)):
order_info_dict = loaddata_dict[str(order_id)]
item_keyword = order_info_dict["keyword"]
item_priority = order_info_dict["priority"]
item_order_args = order_info_dict["order_args"]
item_arguments = ""
for arg in item_order_args:
item_arguments = item_arguments + " " + arg
order_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([item_keyword, item_priority, item_arguments])
[docs]def job_list_cb(event):
Timer callback function, attempts to call Job Manager 'get_pending_jobs' &
'get_active_jobs' services for updating the Jobs treeWidget list.
combined_jobs_list = [] # Empty list for the jobs to be appened to.
# Retrieve pending jobs.
rospy.wait_for_service('/job_manager/get_pending_jobs', rospy.Duration(1))
get_pending_jobs = rospy.ServiceProxy('/job_manager/get_pending_jobs', GetPendingJobs)
req = GetPendingJobsRequest()
resp = get_pending_jobs(req)
if resp.jobs_count > 0:
# Add jobs to combined_jobs_list
for job in resp.jobs:
# [0 ID, 1 Priority, 2 Keyword, 3 Status, 4 MEx ID, 5 Task Count, 6 Current Task, 7 processed]
combined_jobs_list.append([job.job_id, job.priority, job.keyword, JobStatus.PENDING.name, None, job.task_count, 0, False])
except rospy.ServiceException as e:
print(NODE_NAME + "Service call failed: %s"%e)
except rospy.ROSException:
# Retrieve active jobs.
rospy.wait_for_service('/job_manager/get_active_jobs', rospy.Duration(1))
get_active_jobs = rospy.ServiceProxy('/job_manager/get_active_jobs', GetActiveJobs)
req = GetActiveJobsRequest()
resp = get_active_jobs(req)
if resp.jobs_count > 0:
# Add jobs to combined_jobs_list
for job in resp.jobs:
# [0 ID, 1 Priority, 2 Keyword, 3 Status, 4 MEx ID, 5 Task Count, 6 Current Task, 7 processed]
combined_jobs_list.append([job.job_id, job.priority, job.keyword, job.status, job.mex_id, job.task_count, job.current_task+1, False])
except rospy.ServiceException as e:
print(NODE_NAME + "Service call failed: %s"%e)
except rospy.ROSException:
# if len(combined_jobs_list) > 0:
[docs]def update_jobs_list(combined_jobs_list):
Add new/update existing items in the Jobs treeWidget with response information:
1. Take in pending jobs and active jobs info into a single list.
2. Loop over exisiting Job items in the treeWidget.
3. If the job is in the list, update information.
4. If it's not in the list, mark index for removal.
5. If not all list items have been processed, this means it's new. Add new job items to the treeWidget.
6. Loop over indices_for_removal list in descending order and remove all job items no longer existing.
# [2, 3, 4] First check if current Job items in the treeWidget require updating or removing.
root = appGui.treeWidgetJobs.invisibleRootItem()
child_count = root.childCount()
indices_for_removal = [] # Empty list to which indices can be appended which can be removed after updating others.
for i in range(child_count): # Iterate over all the existing (top level) items (a.k.a. jobs) in the treeWidgetJobs.
item = root.child(i)
job_id = str(item.text(0))
# Loop over all job information lists in the the combined_jobs_list, checking if the 'job_id' is in there.
for job_info_list in combined_jobs_list:
if job_id in job_info_list:
# It's in there, so update the information and mark processed as True.
item.setText(0, job_info_list[0])
item.setText(1, str(JobPriority[str(job_info_list[1])].value)+" / "+job_info_list[1])
item.setText(2, job_info_list[2])
item.setText(3, job_info_list[3])
item.setText(4, "\xA0" if job_info_list[4] == None else ""+str(job_info_list[4]) )
item.setText(5, str(job_info_list[6])+" / "+str(job_info_list[5]) )
job_info_list[7] = True
# The job item with it's job id is no longer in the Job Managers jobs lists, thus mark for removal.
# [5] Check for unprocessed list items, adding them as new items to the jobs treeWidget
for job_info_list in combined_jobs_list:
if job_info_list[7] == False:
job_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem( [
str(JobPriority[str(job_info_list[1])].value)+" / "+job_info_list[1],
"\xA0" if job_info_list[4] == None else ""+str(job_info_list[4]),
str(job_info_list[6])+"/"+str(job_info_list[5]) ] )
# [6] Remove items which were marked for removal
if len(indices_for_removal) != 0:
# Sort the indices list in descending order (from highest index to lowest index).
# Iterate over the sorted list, removing items from the treeWidgetJobs
for index in indices_for_removal:
[docs]def mex_list_info_cb(data):
Subscription callback for the MEx Sentinel mex_list_info topic.
1. Take in MEx info.
2. Loop over exisiting MEx items in the treeWidget.
3. If the MEx is in the list, update information.
4. If it's not in the list, mark index for removal.
5. If not all list items have been processed, this means it's new. Add new MEx items to the treeWidget.
6. Loop over indices_for_removal list in descending order and remove all MEx items no longer existing.
if data.total_mex_number > 0:
# [1] Take in MEx info, add all MExs in list to a temporary dictionary.
temp_dict = {} # Empty dictionary in which items will be marked as processed (True) or not (False).
for mex_info in data.mex_list_info_array:
temp_dict[str(mex_info.id)] = {
"id" : mex_info.id,
"job_id" : mex_info.job_id,
"status" : mex_info.status,
"processed" : False
} # Add incoming MEx info to temp_dict as dict and mark as not yet processed.
# [2, 3, 4] First check if current MEx items in the treeWidget require updating or removing.
root = appGui.treeWidgetMEx.invisibleRootItem()
child_count = root.childCount()
indices_for_removal = [] # Empty list to which indices can be appended which can be removed after updating others.
for i in range(child_count): # Iterate over all the existing (top level) items (a.k.a. MExs) in the treeWidgetMEx.
item = root.child(i)
mex_id = str(item.text(0))
# Loop over all MEx information lists in the the mex_list_info_array, checking if the 'mex_id' is in there.
for mex_info in data.mex_list_info_array:
if mex_id == mex_info.id:
# It's in there, so update the information and mark processed as True.
item.setText(0, str(mex_info.id) )
item.setText(1, str(mex_info.status) )
item.setText(2, str(mex_info.job_id) )
temp_dict[str(mex_info.id)]["processed"] = True # Mark MEx as processed.
# The job item with it's job id is no longer in the Job Managers jobs lists, thus mark for removal.
# [5] Check for unprocessed list items, adding them as new items to the jobs treeWidget
for mex_key in temp_dict:
if temp_dict[mex_key]["processed"] == False:
mex_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem( [
str(temp_dict[mex_key]["job_id"]) ] )
# [6] Remove items which were marked for removal
if len(indices_for_removal) != 0:
# Sort the indices list in descending order (from highest index to lowest index).
# Iterate over the sorted list, removing items from the treeWidgetJobs
for index in indices_for_removal:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialize the node.
# Set up information update connections.
rospy.Subscriber('/mex_sentinel/mex_list_info', MexListInfo, mex_list_info_cb) # Subscription to MEx Sentinel for updating Mobile Executors list.
rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), job_list_cb) # Timer for updating Jobs list.
#region --- GUI ---
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
appGui = GuiMainWindow()
windowIcon = QtGui.QIcon()
windowIcon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/icons/Fleet ManagerIcon.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
# Add orders from example_orders.JSON
filename = "example_orders.JSON"
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
# File does not exist yet (first time usage). Create it first from dictionary.
order_data = {
"0" : {
"keyword" : "MOVE",
"priority" : "LOW",
"order_args" : ["loc03"]
"1" : {
"keyword" : "MOVE",
"priority" : "MEDIUM",
"order_args" : ["loc02"]
"2" : {
"keyword" : "TRANSPORT",
"priority" : "LOW",
"order_args" : ["loc01", "loc02"]
"3" : {
"keyword" : "LOAD",
"priority" : "MEDIUM",
"order_args" : []
"4" : {
"keyword" : "UNLOAD",
"priority" : "HIGH",
"order_args" : []
"5" : {
"keyword" : "TRANSPORT",
"priority" : "CRITICAL",
"order_args" : ["loc04", "loc01"]
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(order_data, outfile, indent=4)
except rospy.ROSInterruptException: