#! /usr/bin/env python
The Location module is used by the Job Manager ROS node as a means to store the information for each location in a Location class instance.
Each Location instance has an unique ID, name, position and orientation.
import rospy
NAME = "[Location.py] "
[docs]class Location:
""" Class with location information (name, position, orientation) based on map reference frame. """
def __init__(self, id, name, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, theta):
self.id = id # Unique identifier for this location, e.g. "loc01"
self.name = name # Name of the location, string
self.x = x_coordinate # X position in map frame in meters, float
self.y = y_coordinate # Y position in map frame in meters, float
self.theta = theta # Orientation (yaw angle) in map frame in radians, float
[docs] def info(self):
""" Method which prints out general Location information to the console. """
print(NAME +
"Location info [" + self.name + "]: x, y, theta = " + str(self.x) +
", " + str(self.y) + ", " + str(self.theta) )
[docs]def make_location_dict():
""" Function to read locations info from ROS parameter server and turn them into a dictionary. """
class my_dictionary(dict):
""" Class for location_dict to inherit the 'add' method from in order to append locations. """
def __init__(self):
self = dict()
def add(self, key, value):
""" Method to add key:value to instance dictionary. """
self[key] = value
location_dict = my_dictionary() # Create location object
temp_dictionary = rospy.get_param("/locations") # Read parameters from ROS parameter server, stores in temporary dictionary to later remove.
for loc in temp_dictionary: # Turning parameters to a dictionary items
location_dict.add(loc, Location(temp_dictionary[loc][0], temp_dictionary[loc][1], float(temp_dictionary[loc][2]), float(temp_dictionary[loc][3]), float(temp_dictionary[loc][4])))
return location_dict