#! /usr/bin/env python
The Job Builder module is used by the Job Manager ROS node and contains the job_builder function.
This function takes in orders from the order list and builds Job class instances with Task class instances based on the order type and attributes.
It then appends these Job instances to the Pending Jobs list.
from Job import Job, JobPriority
from Tasks import *
from Location import Location
from Order import *
NAME = "[JobBuilder.py] "
[docs]def job_builder(pending_jobs_list, order, job_index, location_dict, completion_cb):
Job Builder
Takes in order consisting of: keyword, priority and arguments; and creates a Job class instance
containing Task class instances depening on the keyword and arguments.
Then inserts/appends the Job to the Pending Jobs list depening on the priority.
index = "00" + str(job_index) if job_index < 10 else ( "0" + str(job_index) if job_index < 100 else str(job_index) )
keyword = order[0]
priority = order[1]
rough_job = Job("job"+index, completion_cb=completion_cb, priority=priority, keyword=keyword)
if keyword == OrderKeyword.TRANSPORT.name:
# Transport order, consists of moving somewhere, getting loaded, moving somewhere, getting unloaded.
from_loc = order[2]
to_loc = order[3]
elif keyword == OrderKeyword.MOVE.name:
# Move order, consists of moving somehwere.
to_loc = order[2]
elif keyword == OrderKeyword.LOAD.name:
# Load order on the spot.
elif keyword == OrderKeyword.UNLOAD.name:
# Unload order on the spot.
# Loop over the current list of Pending Jobs with index, find the last spot in the list within the same priority section.
for index, job in enumerate(pending_jobs_list):
priority = job.priority.value
if priority < rough_job.priority.value:
print(NAME + "Inserting Rough Job (" + rough_job.id + ") at position " + str(index))
pending_jobs_list.insert(index, rough_job)
else: # Looped over all jobs in the pending_jobs_list and it wasn't inserted, so just append to the end.
print(NAME + "Appending Rough Job (" + rough_job.id + ") to end")
return job_index + 1