Source code for JobManager.JobActivation

#! /usr/bin/env python

The Job Activation module consist of two functions, the Job Allocator and Job Refiner.
The Job Allocator checks the Pending Jobs list and MExs list to assign a Job to a MEx.
If the Job involves locomotion, such as MOVE and TRANSPORT Jobs, it will use the ClosestMEx module to retrieve the closest MEx instead.
If a Job could be assigned, it is removed from the Pending Jobs list and passed along to the Job Refiner and a call is send to the MEx Sentinel service to update the allocated MEx's state.
The Job Refiner takes in the (rough) Job and further refines it based on the allocated MEx.
It then starts the Job and calls the MEx Sentinel service to update the MEx state once more. 
Finally the Job is appended to the Active Jobs list.

from Job import JobStatus
from MobileExecutor import MExStatus
from JobServiceMethods import call_get_mex_list, call_assign_job, call_change_mex_status
from Order import OrderKeyword
import ClosestMex as cm

NAME = "[] "

# Job Allocator and Job Refiner.
[docs]def job_allocator(pending_jobs_list, active_jobs_list, mexs_list): """ Job Allocator function. Check Pending Jobs list and MExs list to assign a Job to a MEx. Loops through the Pending Jobs list, finds the first pending Job and matches it with an available MEx (Up to date mex_list retrieved from MEx Sentinel service). If succesful, it removes this Job from the Pending Jobs list and passes it along to the Job Refiner, sends an update to the MEx Sentinel to update the allocated MEx state. If unsuccesful it returns None. Should be called/triggered whenever a change is made to either list. """ error_code = 0 # First query the MEx Sentinal for an up-to-date MExs list. mexs_list = call_get_mex_list() allocated_job_index = None for index, job in enumerate(pending_jobs_list): if allocated_job_index != None: print(NAME + "Allocated index: " + str(allocated_job_index)) break elif job.status == JobStatus.PENDING: # print(NAME + "Trying for index: " + str(index)) # Found a job which is still pending, now find available and/or closest MEx. # First differentiate between Jobs that require a closest MEx and Jobs that do not. if job.keyword == or job.keyword == # Find Closest MEx mex_id, mex_distance = cm.choose_closest_mex(location=job.task_list[0].location) # First task in MOVE or TRANSPORT is RobotMoveBase which has attribute location. if mex_id != None: job.assign_mex(mex_id) allocated_job_index = index else: # Distance does not matter, so find first available MEx in the list. for mex in mexs_list: if mex.status == MExStatus.STANDBY: # Found a MEx which is available (standby) # Check if the job has not got a MEx pre-assigned OR the pre-assigned mex_id matches the MEx's id if (not job.mex_id) or (job.mex_id == mex.status = MExStatus.ASSIGNED mex.job_id = job.assign_mex( allocated_job_index = index break else: # Loop ended without a break error_code = 1 # Could not allocate Job to MEx. if allocated_job_index != None: rough_job = pending_jobs_list.pop(allocated_job_index) # Removes the allocated job from the Pending Jobs lists. call_assign_job(, rough_job.mex_id) # Send update to MEx Sentinel to update the assigned MEx state. return job_refiner(active_jobs_list, mexs_list, rough_job) else: return error_code # Failed to allocate any pending jobs.
[docs]def job_refiner(active_jobs_list, mexs_list, rough_job): """ Job Refiner function. Takes in a rough job and based on the allocated MEx refines the Jobs Tasks to match MEx attributes. Starts the Job, sends update to the MEx Sentinel to update the MEx state and then adds the refined Job to the Active Jobs list. """ refined_job = rough_job # TODO Refine the Job's tasks based on the rough job's tasks and the assigned MEx attributes. refined_job.start_job() # Update local copy of MEx Sentinel mex_list (TODO Check: Does this change job_manager mex_list?) for mex in mexs_list: if == refined_job.mex_id and mex.job_id == mex.status = MExStatus.EXECUTING_TASK # Send update to MEx Sentinel to update the started MEx state. call_change_mex_status(refined_job.mex_id, MExStatus.EXECUTING_TASK) active_jobs_list.append(refined_job) return 0 # Return a 0, no errors.