Source code for JobManager.Job

#! /usr/bin/env python

The Job module is used by the Job Manager ROS node. It contains the definitions of the Job Status and Job Priority enumerators as well as the Job class.

import rospy

from Tasks import TaskStatus
from MobileExecutor import MExStatus, MobileExecutor
from Order import OrderKeyword
from enum import Enum

NAME = "[] "

#region Enumerators
[docs]class JobStatus(Enum): """ Class that acts as Enumerator for Job status. """ PENDING = 0 ASSIGNED = 1 ACTIVE = 2 SUCCEEDED = 3 ABORTED = 4
[docs]class JobPriority(Enum): """ Class that acts as Enumerator for Job Priority levels. """ LOW = 1 MEDIUM = 2 HIGH = 3 CRITICAL = 4
[docs]class Job: """ Class which contains overall job details and a list of job-tasks for individual jobs. """ def __init__(self, job_id, completion_cb, keyword, mex_id=None, priority=JobPriority.LOW): = job_id # Unique identifier for this job, e.g. "job001" self.mex_id = mex_id # Unique identifier for an existing Mobile Executor (MEx), e.g. "rdg01" self.status = JobStatus.PENDING # PENDING, ASSIGNED, ACTIVE, SUCCEEDED, ABORTED self.task_count = 0 # Current number of tasks for this job in the Job's task_list self.task_current = None # The task currently active. self.task_list = [] # List of tasks for this Job. self.priority = priority # Priority of the job, default LOW. Levels: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL self.completion_callback = completion_cb # Callback function to call when Job has finished. self.keyword = keyword # Keyword from the order used to create this Job from.
[docs] def add_task(self, task): """ Add a single task to the job's task list and update task count. """ self.task_list.append(task) self.task_count = len(self.task_list)
[docs] def add_tasks(self, list_of_tasks): """ Add a multiple tasks from a list to the job's task list and update task count. """ for task in list_of_tasks: self.task_list.append(task) self.task_count = len(self.task_list)
[docs] def assign_mex(self, mex_id): """ Assign a mex_id to this job, if status is either pending or assigned. """ if self.status == JobStatus.PENDING or self.status == JobStatus.ASSIGNED: self.mex_id = mex_id self.status = JobStatus.ASSIGNED
[docs] def start_job(self): """ Start executing the first task in the job's task_list if the status is ASSIGNED. """ if self.status == JobStatus.ASSIGNED: self.status = JobStatus.ACTIVE # Set status to active self.task_current = 0 # Set the current task to the 1st task in the list self.task_list[self.task_current].start(self.mex_id, self.task_current, self.task_cb) else: rospy.loginfo( + " Job status is not equal to assigned; cannot start the job.")
[docs] def next_task(self): """ Start executing the next task in the job's task_list, if the status is still ACTIVE. """ if self.status == JobStatus.ACTIVE: self.task_current += 1 self.task_list[self.task_current].start(self.mex_id, self.task_current, self.task_cb)
[docs] def task_cb(self, data): """ Callback method for the tasks in the job's task list to call upon completion/cancellation/abort. """ print(NAME + + ". Task cb: " + str(data)) task_id = data[0] task_status = data[1] if task_id == self.task_current: # task_status can be: PENDING, ACTIVE, CANCELLED, SUCCEEDED, ABORTED if task_status == TaskStatus.SUCCEEDED: # Succesful completion of the task. if self.task_current + 1 < len(self.task_list): # Continue with next. self.next_task() else: # End of the job's task_list reached. Job is complete. self.status = JobStatus.SUCCEEDED self.completion_callback(, self.mex_id) elif task_status == TaskStatus.CANCELLED or task_status == TaskStatus.ABORTED: # The task was cancelled/aborted, update job status self.status = JobStatus.ABORTED self.completion_callback(, self.mex_id) elif task_status == TaskStatus.ACTIVE: # The task is still active, don't do anything. pass else: rospy.logwarn("Mismatch between task callback ID and job's current task.")
[docs] def info(self): """ Prints general Job information to the console. """ print(NAME + "Job info [" + str( + "]: status = " + str(self.status) + ", mex_id = " + str(self.mex_id) + ", tasks = " + str(self.task_count) + ", current task = " + str(self.task_current)) #+ "\nTask list = " + str(self.task_list))