Source code for JobManager.ClosestMex

#! /usr/bin/env python

The ClosestMex module is used to determine the which Mobile Executor is 
closest to a given move or transport order location.
First it will retrieve an up-to-date MEx list and filter on their status, leaving only those with the STANDBY status.
Next, for each suitable (STANDBY) MEx, it waits for the amcl_pose message (location) of that MEx and then plans the route from which it will calculate the length of the path.
The result is apended to a distances list as a Distance instance with the accompanying MEx ID.
After all path length distances have been retrieved, it will loop over all Distance class instances in the list and find the closest MEx, 
which is then returns as a tuple of closest MEx ID and distance.

import rospy
from rooster_fleet_manager.srv import GetMexList, GetMexListRequest
from MobileExecutor import MExStatus
from nav_msgs.srv import GetPlan, GetPlanResponse
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, PointStamped, PoseWithCovarianceStamped
import numpy as np

NAME = "[] "

#get coordinates of each mex. 3 ways: (1) by odometry and (2) by tf from /map to /base_link and (3) by amcl_pose topic

[docs]class Distance: """ Distance class, containing Mobile Executor (MEx) ID and distance attributes. Instances from this class are added to the list where we choose the closest MEx to a location. """ def __init__(self, mex_id, distance): = mex_id self.dist = distance
[docs]def call_get_mex_list(): """ Function for retrieving the list of all MExs from the service provided by mex_sentinel node. """ try: rospy.wait_for_service('/mex_sentinel/get_mex_list', rospy.Duration(1)) # Wait for service but with 1 sec timeout try: call_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mex_sentinel/get_mex_list', GetMexList) call = GetMexListRequest() result = call_service(call) return result except rospy.ServiceException as e: print(NAME + "Service call failed: %s"%e) except rospy.ROSException: pass
[docs]def get_plan(x_start, y_start, x_finish, y_finish, mex_id): """ Function to calculate path to a location using (!) /move_base/make_plan on a certain MEx. For this function to function, the specific MEx must have the move_base package running. Returns a move_base/make_plan plan. """ start = PoseStamped() #current mex pose (will be defined by amcl) start.header.seq = 0 start.header.frame_id = "map" start.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) start.pose.position.x = x_start start.pose.position.y = y_start Goal = PoseStamped() #location to go Goal.header.seq = 0 Goal.header.frame_id = "map" Goal.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) Goal.pose.position.x = x_finish Goal.pose.position.y = y_finish srv = GetPlan() srv.start = start srv.goal = Goal srv.tolerance = 1.5 get_plan = rospy.ServiceProxy('/'+str(mex_id)+'/move_base/make_plan', GetPlan) req = GetPlan() req.start = start req.goal = Goal req.tolerance = .5 resp = get_plan(req.start, req.goal, req.tolerance) return resp
[docs]def calculate_euclidian_distance(plan): """ Method to calculate Euclidian destance for each pair of poses from the MEx path. Loops over each pair and sums up the calculated Euclidian distances for a total path length. Returns path length. """ global path_length path_length = 0 for i in range(len(plan.poses) - 1): position_a_x = plan.poses[i].pose.position.x position_b_x = plan.poses[i+1].pose.position.x position_a_y = plan.poses[i].pose.position.y position_b_y = plan.poses[i+1].pose.position.y path_length += np.sqrt(np.power((position_b_x - position_a_x), 2) + np.power((position_b_y- position_a_y), 2)) return path_length
#main function which call all other functions
[docs]def choose_closest_mex(location): """ The main method which call all other method in this module. 1. Retrieve up-to-date MEx list and filter on their status (STANDBY is required). 2. For each suitable MEx, Waits for the amcl_pose message (location) of that MEx, plans the route and calculates path length. Adding the result as a Distance instance. 3. Loops over all Distance class instances in the list and finds the closest MEx. Returns a tuple of closest MEx ID and distance. """ mex_list_from_service = call_get_mex_list().mex_list #make list with all mex mex_list_for_calculating_distance = [] #empty list for mex filtered by STANDBY status for i in mex_list_from_service: #filtering mex by STANDBY status if i.status == str( mex_list_for_calculating_distance.append( distances = [] #list for Distance classes to contain distance and mex id for each mex for i in mex_list_for_calculating_distance: #calculating distance for each mex in STANDBY status current_pose = rospy.wait_for_message('/'+ str(i)+'/amcl_pose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped) #get mex current location plan = get_plan(current_pose.pose.pose.position.x, current_pose.pose.pose.position.y, location.x, location.y, str(i)) #get path from current location to destination res = calculate_euclidian_distance(plan.plan) #calculate euclidian distance based on the path distances.append(Distance(str(i), res)) #add distance and mex id to the list the_closest_id = None the_closest_dist = np.inf #number which is bigger than possible distance for i in distances: #choosing closest distance if i.dist < the_closest_dist: the_closest_dist = i.dist the_closest_id = result = (the_closest_id, the_closest_dist) return result # A tuple of closest MEx ID and it's distance.