File: rooster_fleet_manager/MexListInfo.msg
Raw Message Definition
#uint32 seq
time stamp # Timestamp of the message.
uint8 total_mex_number # Total number of Mobile Executors
uint8 standby # Of which have the status STANDBY.
uint8 charging # Of which have the status CHARGING.
uint8 assigned # Of which have the status ASSIGNED.
uint8 executing_task # Of which have the status EXECUTING_TASK.
uint8 error # Of which have the status ERROR.
MexInfo[] mex_list_info_array # List of MexInfo.msg items containing MEx specific information.
#string[] mex_list_info_array
Compact Message Definition
time stamp
uint8 total_mex_number
uint8 standby
uint8 charging
uint8 assigned
uint8 executing_task
uint8 error
rooster_fleet_manager/MexInfo[] mex_list_info_array